Sunday, October 27, 2019

CYCLOCROSS Masquefa 2019 - Single Speed CX

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa was really good. The track is awesome, but the mud was missing.

CX Masquefa

Racing in a Single Speed SSCX is not easy, but I love to prove that's possible. This track was not the best for it, but I felt super good racing.

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

The start/finish line of this track is in long and hard tarmac hill. After this destroying hill, yo got 2 more super gravel hills. 

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

CX Masquefa

In this race a felt super good. The track was not made for SingleSpeed, but I been racing really good against the rest. 

CX Masquefa

Is not always easy to compete against normal bikes, but with the support of friends & sponsors I will be competing on SSCX for all season. 

CX Masquefa


CX Masquefa