Sunday, January 26, 2020

140Km Gravel - CYCLOCAT Ladies & Gentleman Ride 2020

Ladies & Gentlemen's Gravel Ride BCN-GIR 2020

Ladies & Gentleman Ride is a ride made by CYCLOCAT using only safe cycling paths and gravel routes to go from Barcelona to Girona in a 140KM ride.


Ladies & Gentlemen's Gravel Ride BCN-GIR 2020

Ladies & Gentlemen's Gravel Ride BCN-GIR 2020

Ladies & Gentlemen's Gravel Ride BCN-GIR 2020

Everything began in the BH Concept store in Barceloneta. The route is not a race, but there are checkpoints to verify you've made the route properly.

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Liam & Nils were my team mates for this Adventure. Big friends and crazy boys about large routes. They made Torino Niza through gravel paths.

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The track changed from last year because this was the first weekend after Gloria Storm. Gloria storm hit Catalunya so hard, making some of the gravel paths impossible to ride.

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So much fun in the route! Ready for next one: Ronden Van Osonen

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