Last weekend we been at the rally stage "Tramo de Tierra de Borja", from the Aragón Championship. (campeonato de Aragón). First race driving my new Suzuki Swift Sport from the Swift Cup.

The race consist on racing on one stage. First ride was to take the notes with the co-driver, and on the next 3 rounds count to qualify. So the best time adding all 3 stages win.

After taking the notes, we were ready to race! It was humid day and the terrain was rugged, but my Swift was ready for all!

First stage was good, gettin' confortable on the car!

The second stage was foggy, and on the half of the track the front window got steamy, and we were totally blinded. Trusting my co-driver we made it to the end without losing time!

Our last stage was crazy! We were going full throttle, knowing every part of the track!

We got the 2nd place on class (class 1) and the 2nd place on the rookies class!

We're ready for the next round!